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Tackling Cybersecurity Challenges with Impelix IMPACT

Tackling Cybersecurity Challenges with Impelix IMPACT

By Enterprise Risk, Executive, IMPACT for MSSPs, Impelix, Impelix IMPACT Platform, Practitioner, SecOps

The New Evolution of Security Operations

Securing your organization isn’t just an important initiative—it’s a race against time and sophistication. With thousands of cyber attacks occurring daily, security operations managers, engineers, analysts, and executives face a constant battle to keep their systems secure. Let’s delve into the key challenges these professionals encounter and explore how the Impelix IMPACT SecOps platform can transform their approach to cybersecurity.

The Relentless Volume of Cyber Attacks

The sheer volume of cyber attacks is staggering and relentless. According to a report by the University of Maryland, hackers attack every 39 seconds, on average 2,244 times a day. This overwhelming frequency demands that security teams spend a significant portion of their day dealing with alerts from multiple security products. Traditional methods of manual threat detection and response are simply not sustainable in this environment.

You need a security operations platform that integrates seamlessly with your existing security infrastructure, consolidates alerts, and provides a centralized view of your security landscape. This reduces the time spent on managing disparate systems, allowing your team to focus on the most critical threats.

Time to Detect and Respond: Still Too High

In cybersecurity, every second counts. However, many organizations still struggle to detect and respond to threats swiftly. The 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon highlights that the average time to identify a breach is 287 days. This delay can lead to significant financial and reputational damage.

Look for a security operations platform that leverages advanced machine learning algorithms with real-time analytics to dramatically reduce detection and response times. Automated incident response capabilities ensure that threats are neutralized before they can cause harm, transforming your security posture from reactive to proactive.

The Need for Automation and AI

Humans alone will never be able to keep up with the speed and volume of modern cyber threats. Automation and AI are no longer optional; they are essential components of a robust cybersecurity strategy. According to a report by IBM, organizations using AI and automation experienced a 27% faster response to cyber incidents.

Modern security operations software must be built with purpose-built AI-driven automation at its core. It will continuously learn from new threats and adapts to evolving attack patterns, ensuring your defenses are always a step ahead. This reduces the burden on your security team and allows them to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Lack of Visibility Across the Entire Attack Surface

One of the most significant challenges in cybersecurity is achieving comprehensive visibility across the entire attack surface. Without a holistic view, it’s nearly impossible to track threats in real time and understand the full scope of an incident.

More valuable than log aggregation, a holistic view should be achieved by integrating security and non-security data into incident story graphs to offer a detailed, real-time view of threat activity, enabling your team to quickly identify and mitigate risks across the entire attack surface.

Bridging the Cybersecurity Expertise Gap

The cybersecurity talent shortage is a well-documented issue. The (ISC)² Cybersecurity Workforce Study reports that the global shortage of cybersecurity professionals is nearly 3.5 million. Organizations are being asked to do more with less, and the expertise gap continues to widen.

The IMPACT platform is designed to amplify the capabilities of your existing team. With intuitive dashboards, advanced analytics, and automated workflows, even less experienced team members can effectively manage and respond to threats. This helps bridge the expertise gap and maximizes the efficiency of your security operations.

Empowering Your Team with Impelix IMPACT

At Impelix, we understand the challenges that security professionals face. That’s why we’ve developed the IMPACT platform—to tackle these issues head-on and empower your team with the tools and insights they need to stay ahead of threats and protect what matters most.

Key Features of IMPACT:
  • Centralized Alert Management: Consolidates alerts from multiple sources, reducing noise and enabling quicker response.
  • AI-Driven Automation: Automates threat detection and response, ensuring rapid mitigation.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Provides actionable insights and comprehensive visibility across the entire attack surface.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design that enhances usability for all skill levels.

Ready to transform your security operations? Let’s connect and elevate your cybersecurity strategy together. With Impelix IMPACT, you can achieve a new level of security resilience and ensure that your organization is protected against the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Contact Us Today to learn more about how the IMPACT platform can revolutionize your security operations and help you stay ahead of the curve.

5 Key Updates in NIST Framework 2.0 to Know About

5 Key Updates in NIST Framework 2.0 to Know About

By Executive, Impelix, Impelix IMPACT Platform, Practitioner, Thoughts

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently unveiled the second iteration of its cybersecurity framework, commonly referred to as NIST Framework 2.0. This updated version introduces significant enhancements and changes that reflect the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats and the need for more adaptive and robust security measures. The original framework, established to provide organizations with a comprehensive set of guidelines for managing cybersecurity risk, has been widely adopted across various sectors. However, as cyber threats have grown in complexity and frequency, the need for an updated framework became evident. This blog will explore the key updates in NIST Framework 2.0 and highlight the major differences from its predecessor.

1. Enhanced Emphasis on Privacy and Supply Chain Risk Management

One of the most notable updates in NIST Framework 2.0 is the increased emphasis on privacy and supply chain risk management. The original framework touched on these areas, but the latest version provides more detailed guidance, acknowledging the interconnected nature of today’s digital ecosystems. Organizations are encouraged to adopt a more holistic approach to cybersecurity, considering not only their internal processes but also how they interact with partners, suppliers, and third-party service providers.

2. Introduction of New Categories and Subcategories

NIST Framework 2.0 introduces new categories and subcategories that address emerging technologies and threat vectors. For instance, there is now more explicit guidance on cloud security, mobile device management, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These additions are designed to help organizations navigate the security challenges associated with these technologies, which were not as prevalent or critical when the original framework was developed.

3. Focus on Cybersecurity Resilience

Another significant shift in NIST Framework 2.0 is the increased focus on cybersecurity resilience. While the original framework emphasized identifying, protecting, detecting, responding, and recovering from cybersecurity incidents, the new version goes further by stressing the importance of resilience throughout these stages. This means not only reacting to cyber threats but also ensuring that operations can continue during and after an attack. The updated framework encourages organizations to develop and maintain systems that are not only secure but also resilient to disruptions.

4. Improved Accessibility and Flexibility

Recognizing the wide range of organizations that use the framework, from small businesses to large enterprises and government agencies, NIST Framework 2.0 is designed to be more accessible and flexible. The language has been simplified where possible to make the guidelines more approachable for non-experts. Additionally, the framework offers more examples and templates to assist organizations in implementing the recommended security measures. This inclusivity ensures that organizations of all sizes and sectors can effectively apply the framework to improve their cybersecurity posture.

5. Strengthened Alignment with Other Standards and Frameworks

NIST Framework 2.0 aims for better alignment with other international standards and cybersecurity frameworks, such as ISO/IEC 27001 and the CIS Controls. This harmonization is beneficial for organizations that adhere to multiple standards, as it simplifies compliance efforts and strengthens overall cybersecurity practices. By ensuring compatibility with other widely recognized frameworks, NIST makes it easier for organizations to adopt a comprehensive and cohesive approach to managing cybersecurity risk.

In Summary

Comparing NIST Framework 2.0 to its predecessor, the most significant differences lie in its broader scope, which now includes detailed guidance on privacy and supply chain risks, and its adaptability to emerging technologies. The emphasis on resilience and the efforts to make the framework more accessible and aligned with other standards demonstrate a forward-thinking approach to cybersecurity. The release of NIST Framework 2.0 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of cybersecurity standards. By addressing current challenges and providing clear, actionable guidance, the framework is a vital resource for organizations aiming to bolster their cybersecurity measures. As cyber threats continue to evolve, staying abreast of updates like NIST Framework 2.0 is crucial for organizations committed to safeguarding their operations and assets against cyber risks.

How Impelix IMPACT Can Help With Compliance

With the modifications to the NIST Framework, you may be wondering how they impact your cybersecurity maturity. The IMPACT platform from Impelix approaches compliance through a data-driven strategy. By integrating all the technologies in your stack and collecting telemetry, IMPACT can provide a real-time snapshot of your compliance progress with no effort. You will be able to check against common frameworks such as NIST CSF, ISO 27001, CIS CSC, and NIST 2.0, which will be introduced to the platform shortly. This allows you to assess your organization’s preparedness against a cybersecurity framework in a cost-effective manner.

Impelix and Sopra Steria North America Unite to Offer Cutting-Edge Security, Risk, and Compliance Solutions

Impelix and Sopra Steria North America Unite to Offer Cutting-Edge Security, Risk, and Compliance Solutions

By Impelix, Impelix IMPACT Partners, Press Releases

Impelix and Sopra Steria North America Unite to Offer Cutting-Edge Security, Risk, and Compliance Solutions

Delivering SIEM, SOAR, XDR, and Cloud Audits to Address Client’s Security and Risk Posture

Chicago, Illinois and Toronto, Canada – January 18, 2024Impelix, the provider of the IMPACT SecOps Platform, and Sopra Steria North America, the prominent European IT consultancy firm, are excited to announce their partnership today. This partnership brings together Impelix IMPACT SecOps Platform and Sopra Steria Managed XDR and Cloud Audits offerings.

At the heart of this partnership is a shared commitment to innovation, excellence, and client success. Impelix, renowned for its expertise in cybersecurity and enterprise risk management, is joining forces with Sopra Steria North America, a leader in digital transformation and IT consulting. Together, we present a formidable alliance that addresses the multifaceted security and risk challenges our clients encounter in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

“I am delighted with our strategic partnership with Impelix. This collaboration introduces a timely addition to our portfolio in the form of a comprehensive SIEM, SOAR, and GRC product, encompassing detection, response, risk & compliance management. Our team of experts, specializing in the Canadian and US markets, is dedicated to assisting our customers in seamlessly integrating and managing this solution within their environment,” said Thomas Curutchet, Managing Director of Sopra Steria North America. “At a time when cybersecurity is more critical than ever, this partnership reinforces our commitment to providing our expertise with new solutions to our clients. This product not only enhances our offerings but also empowers mid-sized organizations with a robust tool for navigating the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.”

The Impelix IMPACT SecOps Platform, renowned for its advanced threat detection, vulnerability management, and compliance capabilities, will be a cornerstone in Sopra Steria’s arsenal of cybersecurity solutions. Clients can now access this cutting-edge platform through Sopra Steria’s extensive network, empowering them with a robust set of tools to safeguard their digital assets effectively.

“The immediate and substantial benefit for our mutual customers is the seamless integration of the Impelix IMPACT SecOps Platform into Sopra Steria North America’s offerings. As part of this collaboration, Sopra Steria North America will not only serve as a reseller of the Impelix platform but will also provide IMPACT as a managed services offering. This strategic move is poised to elevate our joint clients’ cybersecurity operations and enterprise risk management to unprecedented levels,” said Brian Fernald, CEO at Impelix.

“Our partnership is more than the sum of its technological parts; it’s a collaboration of people dedicated to delivering tailor-made solutions. By combining the strengths of Impelix and Sopra Steria, we create an ecosystem of experts working collaboratively to align cybersecurity measures with individual business objectives.”

About Impelix

Impelix is the provider of the Impelix IMPACT Platform for security, risk, and compliance management. IMPACT delivers what organizations need — a turnkey SaaS platform that enables teams to understand their security posture and implement a continuous improvement program using real-time data on cyber readiness and risk, compliance readiness, and tool, staff, and resource efficacy (including ROI, operational efficiency, and third-party risk).

The IMPACT Platform currently includes two product offerings: SecOps and Enterprise Risk. SecOps is engineered with machine-led automation and intelligence to speed up and streamline modern security operations with full visibility across the entire organizational attack surface. Enterprise Risk provides a comprehensive, automated solution that simplifies the process of monitoring and managing risk and compliance, enabling organizations to focus on their core business objectives.

About Sopra Steria

Sopra Steria, a European tech leader recognized for its consulting, digital services, and software development, helps its clients drive their digital transformation to obtain tangible and sustainable benefits. It provides end-to-end solutions to make large companies and organizations more competitive by combining in-depth knowledge of a wide range of business sectors and innovative technologies with a fully collaborative approach. Sopra Steria places people at the heart of everything it does and is committed to putting digital to work for its clients in order to build a positive future for all. With 57,000 employees in nearly 30 countries, the Group generated revenue of €5.1 billion in 2022.

The world is how we shape it.

Sopra Steria Group (SOP) is listed on Euronext Paris (Compartment A) – ISIN: FR0000050809
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Donna St. John, Marketing